TUCoPS :: HP Unsorted N :: b06-5211.htm

news7 <= (news.php) Remote File Inclusion Exploit
news7 <= (news.php) Remote File Inclusion Exploit
news7 <= (news.php) Remote File Inclusion Exploit

#======================================================================news7 <=  (news.php) Remote File Inclusion Exploit

======================##=============================================================================================#Bug in :news.php 
#Vlu Code :
#Exploit :
#==============================================================================================#Discoverd By : MoHaNdKo
#Conatact : xp1o (at) msn (dot) com [email concealed]
# wWw.xP10.CoM & wWw.TRyaG.CoM 
#Greetz :ToOoFA &( abo nora ) & 3abdalah & KaBaRa & mahmood_ali & ThE-WoLf-KsA & abu shad & v1per-haCker & MR.WOLF & 
#abu melaf & mohagr22 & metoovet & fuck_net  & hitler-jeddah & El3alMy & 
# and all member on xp10.com and tryag.com and lezr.com


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